Project Information
- Language: C++
- Graphics API: OpenGL
- Creation: Y1 S2
- Source URL: GitHub Page
OpenGL Sandbox
Created as part of the Fundamentals of Game and Graphical System Development module in semester 2 of my first year. Using OpenGL and the freeglut library, the task was to create a simple 3D scene, comprised of basic shapes and meshes with optional additional implementations. Examples of the first demo and completed project can be seen below.
Additional Implementations
In addition to the essentials, multiple scenes were added with a system that allowed for the user to switch between them on command. These scenes each demonstrated various OpenGL implementations such as collisions, physics simulation, realtime object creation and model loading.
What Did I Learn?
Following this project, I learned the basics of parsing vertex, colour, normal and index data and how this information can be used to create 3D objects. I learned the basics of lighting (namely phong) and texturing in OpenGL along with the inner workings of a simple camera system. Following this, I aim to better understand shaders in OpenGL and the lighting model.